Digital workplace adoption hub

MiCloud Unified Collaboration

Drive adoption of MiCloud Unified Collaboration 
Our three-step model will help you achieve faster adoption and business results.

1. Plan
Use our template to define your success plan. View our checklist to help inform your users, and hear some top tips from our experts.
Go to plan
2. Launch
Set up your new service with our admin support guides and download the ready-to-use assets to announce the new service to your users.
Go to launch
3. Optimise
Learn how to use analytical tools to help you understand your users' behaviour and learn how to encourage inactive users to get started.
Go to optimise
1. Plan
Use our template to define your success plan. View our checklist to help inform your users, and hear some top tips from our experts.
Go to plan
2. Launch
Set up your new service with our admin support guides and download the ready-to-use assets to announce the new service to your users.
Go to launch
3. Optimise
Learn how to use analytical tools to help you understand your users' behaviour and learn how to encourage inactive users to get started.
Go to optimise
1. Plan

Download our success plan template and start planning your adoption journey.


Download now >

Here's a checklist of things you might need to tell to your users to ensure the best experience:


  • The date when the service will be ready for use.
  • How to order a compatible headset if they don’t already have one.
  • When the current service will be switched off.
  • Reminder to save meeting recordings from the existing service.
  • Replacing invitations of existing meetings with the new service.
  • How to personalise the account, i.e.: profile picture, audio PIN, time zone and language.
  • When and why to use the mobile app, desktop app and web browser to schedule a meeting.
  • How to join a meeting and the different options, i.e.: mobile, desktop app and VoIP vs. PSTN dial-in.
  • A quick guide to in-meeting controls.
  • Where to access training and who to contact for support.

Top tips:


  1. Start by identifying what the change means for your users.
  2. Create awareness so your users know what's coming and why.
  3. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to get started.
  4. Share links to where your users can learn how to use the service.
  5. Remind users to look out for updates to the service via the prompts in the app.



2. Launch


Admin support

Share this link with your admin to help them with the set-up and management of the service.

Go to admin support page >

User guides and training 

Share this link with your users to help them get started and learn more about the service.

Go to user guides and training page >

3. Optimise
Remind your users of the service and share guides and training videos with them if they need more support. Reminder email >

You might want to consider creating a simple questionnaire to determine why your users aren't using the service.


Questions you should ask:

  1. Are you using any tool other than MiCloud UC? If yes, what?
  2. Are you having problems with the service? If yes, what?
  3. Do you need this service moving forward?

Purchase dedicated training sessions

If you require training sessions dedicated to your organisation, we have the following sessions that can be purchased. Enquire now and one of our User Adoption Specialists will be in touch with full details.


Training Type of training Description  
MiVoice Business & UC (MiCollab) Desktop Devices

1 x live virtual instructor-led

Up to 180 mins duration

Up to 8 recommended no. of attendees

This session gives an overview of features & functionality of Mitel desktop devices, including Mitel IP Phones, MiCollab Client and Voicemail.

Enquire now

MiCloud UC adoption content


Self-paced training via an online platform accessible 24/7 

Training on overview of call analytics and device based training.

Enquire now

Soft Skills training


Self-paced training via an online platform accessible 24/7 

Training on personal traits or skills which can significantly affect the productivity and effectiveness of all employees 

Enquire now

Business Skills training


Self-paced training via an online platform accessible 24/7 

Training on skills specific to a particular role, where following ‘best practice’ will have a positive impact on the performance of a business. 

Enquire now