Future-proof your organisation with IP solutions

Digital transformation efforts – specifically the move to IP solutions – can improve company culture, super-charge operations and ultimately future-proof organisations.

Future-proof your organisation with IP solutions

Digital transformation efforts – specifically the move to IP solutions – can improve company culture, super-charge operations and ultimately future-proof organisations.

The current economic climate means that ‘future-proofing’ has been a phrase featured on many LinkedIn feeds, in business meetings and in the media.

It’s all about anticipating the future and maintaining a competitive edge. To do so, organisations must retain talent and put digital transformation first. 

In our recent survey, over a third (37%) of business leaders and IT managers agreed future-proofing the organisation was a top strategic goal. 35% of business leaders and 42% of IT managers also cite digital transformation as one of their top three priorities.

Regardless, both groups are yet to fully embrace the multiple benefits of moving their communications to the cloud or a digital voice solution, also known as IP (Internet Protocol) technology. 

Collaboration is key

The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) no longer works well with evolving communications and the demand for instant access – organisations require faster, more resilient infrastructure to accommodate this.

After delivering UK telecommunications for decades, the PSTN, including the ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), is being switched off in 2027, with some areas starting from April 2023.

This move to a fully digital network will be a game-changer for organisations, delivering improved reliability, greater flexibility, more simplicity and faster connectivity. However, the clock is ticking. 

To make the switch, C-suite and IT managers must come together. Moving communications to the cloud is a large-scale, time-intensive project, and as it stands, there is an overwhelming sense of complacency as well as friction between teams:

  • Worryingly, nearly 60% of business leaders and more than 70% of all IT staff surveyed assume the switch is easy.
  • On average, just 6% of organisations have started their migration.
  • 57% of IT heads feel that the IT team is aligned with wider business goals, but only 47% of business leaders surveyed agree with them.

Clearly, there is a huge opportunity for collaboration. Organisations that make the move sooner will take full advantage of the opportunities unlocked with IP technology early, including streamlining and improving operations.

Empowering the workforce

As well as improving efficiency and operations, future-proofing an organisation means retaining talent and maintaining a happy workforce. Hybrid working is here to stay, but, in many cases, it has yet to reach its full potential – particularly regarding company culture. You only need to read the press to see business leaders and employees talking about the impact it has on team cohesiveness, relationships and innovation. 

When it comes to building relationships, perceived proximity is just as important as physical. With smart IP solutions and unified communication tools such as video, chat and calling, organisations won’t be bound by space and time or disrupted by lost connections.

What’s more, attracting the next generation of the workforce is key. Digital natives expect the consistency, speed and flexibility of IP solutions. Beyond this, up to 58% of employees say they want their company to be more environmentally responsible.

IP technology can streamline business processes and supply chains, reducing both energy use and costs and ensuring a more sustainable future. The reliability provided by modern networks requires less maintenance and fewer engineer callouts, resulting in lower unnecessary CO2 emissions.

Woman on video call

Meet the needs of the next-gen workforce

Embracing IP technology and digital transformation now will help improve efficiency and future-proof organisations. To navigate this complex project, we are here to support you. From auditing your current estates, to identifying the right IP solutions and deploying them, BT is there every step of the way.

Meet the needs of the next-gen workforce

Embracing IP technology and digital transformation now will help improve efficiency and future-proof organisations. To navigate this complex project, we are here to support you. From auditing your current estates, to identifying the right IP solutions and deploying them, BT is there every step of the way.

Woman on video call

Meet the needs of the next-gen workforce

Embracing IP technology and digital transformation now will help improve efficiency and future-proof organisations. To navigate this complex project, we are here to support you. From auditing your current estates, to identifying the right IP solutions and deploying them, BT is there every step of the way.

Woman on video call

Meet the needs of the next-gen workforce

Embracing IP technology and digital transformation now will help improve efficiency and future-proof organisations. To navigate this complex project, we are here to support you. From auditing your current estates, to identifying the right IP solutions and deploying them, BT is there every step of the way.

Woman on video call