The challenge

Help create an e-commerce site for PetShopBowl and make customer communication through email and social media a priority.

The solution

Introduce BT broadband for Business to run the e-commerce business and help optimise the customer experience on the website.

The result

Connectivity has been critical for taking orders, booking deliveries, and replenishing stock, and customer service has been massively improved.

The challenge

Help create an e-commerce site for PetShopBowl and make customer communication through email and social media a priority.

The solution

Introduce BT broadband for Business to run the e-commerce business and help optimise the customer experience on the website.

The result

Connectivity has been critical for taking orders, booking deliveries, and replenishing stock, and customer service has been massively improved.

Adam’s story

Find out how a pet food sales business took shape after an unexpected moment of inspiration.

Adam Taylor came up with the idea for PetShopBowl after he was made redundant from Lehman Brothers following their collapse in 2008. He moved back to live with his mum and defaulted to the role of food buyer for the family dog.

The idea for PetShopBowl came to Adam while shopping with his mum.

I realised that nobody was delivering pet food using an e-commerce model.
Adam TaylorFounder and CEO,

So, along with his girlfriend, Lexi, he set about building PetShopBowl: an e-commerce company that sells all types of pet food and delivers it straight to the customer’s door.

Being an e-commerce site, connectivity is crucial: for taking orders, booking deliveries, and replenishing stock. Customer service is a top priority for the company and they stay in constant communication with their customers through email and social media.

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