Get ready for the 2027 PSTN switch-off

Get ready for the 2027 PSTN switch-off

Many businesses have already successfully made the move to digital and are enjoying the benefits of a cloud-based phone system.

To get ready for the switchover, follow these five steps:

1. Get the right connectivity

How we can help

We have connectivity and networking covered with a comprehensive range of access technologies, speeds, and resilience options. We can recommend the best options for your business based on your situation and what you want to achieve.

2. Check voice line connections

Before you get started, find out what other systems are reliant on your voice line.

For example, door entry systems, alarms, lift emergency lines, payment terminals and cash machines could all be using old PSTN phone lines. We call them ‘special services’.

Upgrading to digital will have an impact on how these special services work, so it’s vital to track down everything that’s running on the PSTN and ISDN lines.

Basically, there are three options for upgrading:

  • Switch the devices to an IP mode (if available).
  • Speak to a special service provider about upgrading to an IP equivalent.
  • Use an Analogue Telephone Adapter (ATA) device that converts the special services analogue signal to digital (IP). This will enable the special service to work with the new digital service.

How we can help

We offer an increasing range of services that can help to minimise the impact of upgrading to a digital voice and collaboration service.

3. Engage, educate, and excite

The benefits of a digital phone service will be clearer when everyone is better informed and engaged in the switchover.

If your teams are energised and excited about the new kit, they’re more likely to help you tap into those benefits.

How we can help

All our services come with comprehensive user guides and support materials. We also have a range of training packages to choose from, depending on the type of upgrade.

4. Think hardware

When upgrading to digital voice, don’t just replace existing handsets with an equivalent IP model. This is a great opportunity to step back and understand how your employees use the hardware.

For example, as flexible working patterns are now more popular, employees might be hot-desking in the office, or working from home. Perhaps, supplying everyone with an IP headset and softphone client might be a better option rather than giving everyone a desk phone.

There’s no right or wrong answer. Maybe, a hybrid approach to supplying headsets and handsets will be perfect for your business.

How we can help

We have an extensive range of IP devices and apps. You may also be able to reuse some of your current equipment with the new digital service. Ask us for advice if you’re not sure.

5. Seize the opportunity for change

Upgrading to a digital phone service will present new ways of working and opportunities for you to change the way your business communicates.

Cloud-based systems can easily integrate mobile devices and apps. They’ll provide detailed reporting, which will help gather insights about customer and employee behaviour. But, more importantly, they’ll enable your business to work differently. It’s an opportunity to re-evaluate and maybe introduce flexible and remote working to allow employees to work from any device or location at any time.

It’s also worth thinking about your current phone lines and existing phone numbers. If your customers are already familiar with the numbers, it may be worth keeping them and porting them to the new service.

Ready to get started?

Upgrading to a digital phone service will present new ways of working and opportunities for you to change the way your business communicates.

Cloud-based systems can easily integrate mobile devices and apps. They’ll provide detailed reporting, which will help gather insights about customer and employee behaviour. But, more importantly, they’ll enable your business to work differently. It’s an opportunity to re-evaluate and maybe introduce flexible and remote working to allow employees to work from any device or location at any time.

It’s also worth thinking about your current phone lines and existing phone numbers. If your customers are already familiar with the numbers, it may be worth keeping them and porting them to the new service.

How we can help

We can help you to navigate planning, choose, and install a digital phone system that’s right for your business. Find out more about stepping up to digital for small and medium business, corporate, or the public sector.