Upgrading to IP technology is easier than you think

Ready to let your business enjoy all the benefits of the IP technology upgrade? Start your digital transformation today.

Upgrading to IP technology is easier than you think

Ready to let your business enjoy all the benefits of the IP technology upgrade? Start your digital transformation today.

Faster, simplified, more reliable products and services are available now to take your business to the next level, so join the IP technology revolution today.

Why migrate?

Migrating to IP technology is a win-win for organisations and customers alike. With greater reliability, improved audio quality and streamlined connectivity, new IP technology products and services will transform the way you communicate as a business and save money.

Your business will benefit from:

  • Greater accessibility to customer data, thanks to cloud storage.
  • Improved flexibility from instant switching to hot-desking or remote working.
  • Increased speed by adding users and devices whenever you need to.

Busting the IP technology myths

Let’s tackle some of the biggest misconceptions about IP technology.

- Myth number one: It’s expensive.
Not quite. IP technology is a great investment for your business, saving you significant outlay in the medium and long term.

- Myth number two: The technology is tricky. It’s not the case. The vast majority of migrations are straightforward, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

- Myth number three: The switch-off deadline will shift. 
Not so. Openreach have committed to the 2027 deadline, when all legacy networks, including the PSTN (public switched telephone network), and the ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) – will be switched off for good. 

Many products and services are being withdrawn before that date, so migrating now means your business can start taking advantage of IP technology as soon as possible.

people in coffee shop window

Seven tips for a smooth switch

Once your plans are aligned and you’re ready to migrate, there are steps you can take to make sure the process is as simple as possible.

  1. Understand your inventory. Start by examining your estate. For each item ask yourself what it’s used for and how critical it is for your operation.
  3. Rationalise your estate. Assess which items of technology you have and how they best serve your business.
  5. Put a project in place. Build the change into your IT plan and work with us to make the migration happen. 
  7. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Make sure all your stakeholders are kept up to date, and on the same page, throughout the migration process. 
  9. Focus on the big picture. Ensure your migration plan works for the 99% of mainstream use cases, first. Address any unusual cases later.
  11. Decommission old equipment. You’re planning to transform the business, so monetise that old equipment and use it to fund your migration.
  13. Don’t forget the deadline. Remember, time is ticking for the move to IP technology. In 2027, the legacy networks, products, and services will be no more.  Give yourself plenty of breathing space to become a future-ready market leader.
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Get ready for digital transformation

There’s never been a better time to make the move to IP technology. Our team of experts are here to help make your migration as simple and effective as possible. Get in touch with our specialists and start today.

Get ready for digital transformation

There’s never been a better time to make the move to IP technology. Our team of experts are here to help make your migration as simple and effective as possible. Get in touch with our specialists and start today.

woman in stdio

Get ready for digital transformation

There’s never been a better time to make the move to IP technology. Our team of experts are here to help make your migration as simple and effective as possible. Get in touch with our specialists and start today.

woman in stdio

Get ready for digital transformation

There’s never been a better time to make the move to IP technology. Our team of experts are here to help make your migration as simple and effective as possible. Get in touch with our specialists and start today.

woman in stdio

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