IDC Infobrief: Connecting industries with resilient supply chains

Discover how to build resilient supply chains. Explore stages of maturity, steps to achieve resilience and how BT can digitalise your supply chain.

IDC Infobrief: Connecting industries with resilient supply chains

Discover how to build resilient supply chains. Explore stages of maturity, steps to achieve resilience and how BT can digitalise your supply chain.

In a digital-first world, resilient supply chains need secured connectivity, scalable IT infrastructure and – above all – trust to deliver customer value.

This will transform organisations from using a product-centric approach to delivering measurable outcomes.

But how do you get there? Building digital supply chain resilience is a longer-term journey that must progress through the maturity stages from the simplest, unstructured ad hoc stage to the advanced, systemised, optimised stage, leveraging digital technologies.

International Data Corporation (IDC), the global provider of market intelligence and advisory services, has recently published an Infobrief paper: ‘Connecting industries in the digital-first business era with resilient supply chains’. Download the Infobrief to explore:

  • what supply chain resilience looks like
  • the stages of supply chain maturity
  • the steps required to achieve supply chain resilience
  • how BT can digitalise your supply chain.

As a teaser, you can download the Infobrief snapshot or the IDC infographic.