Global cyber threats need global answers

Enhancing cyber-resilience and preparing for the future threat landscape.

Global cyber threats need global answers

Enhancing cyber-resilience and preparing for the future threat landscape.


We’re delighted to host an exclusive security event, designed for C-level executives at the British Embassy Paris. This event promises to be a great occasion with thought-provoking workshops, invaluable information sharing and networking with senior leaders.

Key themes

  • Looking at the future. Perspective on the current and future landscape of Cyber in France and the UK.
  • Keeping the right security level in an evolving landscape. How to deal with the new factors influencing the scope of cybersecurity globally?
  • Sharing ideas. CISO/CIO to CISO/CIO open discussion and benchmark.
  • Innovation. How can innovative start-ups help us to address these challenges?
  • Quantum disruption awareness. Discuss the threats and opportunities that quantum computing will create and how this will impact how data is currently encrypted and communicated.
  • BT Research insight. Get first hand info from our research teams how they use quantum mechanics to secure transmission of data over fibre networks.
  • Regulation. How to accelerate NIS2 compliance with the growing number of connected objects, particularly in the industrial world?

Attendance benefits

  • Gain inspiration from France and UK cyber experts, innovative security ecosystem and BT research.
  • Unique opportunity to learn from the best in the field and share insights with like-minded peers.
  • Build on your peer network and exchange experiences and current challenges.


Note: This event will host English and French speakers.

Time Agenda Speaker(s)
9:00 Arrival and welcome  
9:30 Introduction to the day and exploring the security landscape. Jo Hawley,
Deputy Trade Commissioner Europe
Tris Morgan,
Managing Director, BT Security
9:40 Round table of participants All

Threat Landscape, from cybercrime to state-sponsored

La menace cyber dans tous ses (é)États !

François Deruty, Chief Intelligence Officer, (ex-French Security Agency), Sekoia

Are you really technically and strategically prepared for the next targeted attack on your organisation?

Etes-vous vraiment prêts techniquement et stratégiquement pour affronter la prochaine attaque qui ciblera votre entreprise ?

Samuel Hassine, CEO and Co-Founder, (ex-French Security Agency), Filigran
11:00 Break  

The Third Era of Security

New factors are influencing the scope of cybersecurity globally; geopolitics, economics, whereas the threat landscape keeps becoming more sophisticated and aggressive. In this context, enterprises need a new breed of security services. What are these services and what does a leader Service Provider like BT need to deliver them?

Alain Sanchez, EMEA CISO, Fortinet

Close partners in cyber space: spotlight on UK-FR cyber co-operation

Paris Huxley, Political Attaché: National Security, British Embassy Paris

Mahé Dersoir, Sous-direction de la Cybersécurité, ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

12:30 Lunch and exchanges  
Quantum Security – BT
Exploring quantum technologies with a focus on quantum communications. This session will address the risk presented by quantum computers in breaking public key algorithms and will go on to discuss a solution known widely as Quantum Key Distribution. It will include insights from recent BT trials of quantum-secure networks, exploring global activities in this area and a vision of a future quantum internet.
Andrew Lord, Senior Manager Research, BT

Quantum-Resistant Security- PQShield
In this session, cryptography experts, PQShield, will brief you on the once-in-a-generation changes to cryptography driven by the Quantum threat, covering:

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography - unpacking the new NIST Standards due to be in place before this meeting
  • Government Mandates and standards across the world
  • PQShield’s globally recognised subject matter expertise, products and adopters
  • Considerations by industry and use case
  • Supply chain vs internal control
Ben Packman Chief Strategy Officer, PQShield

NIS2 and OT/IoT cybersecurity

NIS2 Directive comes into force in October 2024: our recommendations and solutions to simplify and speed up compliance with its industrial and IoT cybersecurity platform.

Florent Lefevre - OT/IoT Business Development France, Fortinet
15:30 Wrap-up All
16:00 Drinks and refreshments  
16:30 Event close  

BT is organising this event in partnership with Fortinet.

This is an exclusive event— limited places are available. Please register your interest below.