As the communications-platform-as-a-service (CPaaS) hype fades, questions arise over where the industry will find future value. Two trends are coming to the fore.

First, enterprise customers are starting to request features beyond application-to-person (A2P) and “best effort” legacy solutions to enable future omnichannel and 5G-based use cases like the metaverse. 

Second, classic CPaaS services are finding a new market for an ever-increasing savvy mid-market. 

Both trends are allowing operators to stamp their mark on the CPaaS industry.

Alessandro Adriani, co-authored a paper with Arthur D Little exploring how telecom operators can realise value in CPaaS.  The whitepaper looks at:

  • how investors appear to be moving on from the CPaaS hype and adopting more realistic views on its future
  • why CPaaS players must move beyond sms and voice services
  • how operators can best capitalise on the trends
  • the opportunities for the mid-market and lower end of the market.


Download the whitepaper to find out more about emerging opportunities in this area.

Download the whitepaper

CPaaS: beyond the hype (PDF)