Why co-sourcing is a smart choice for cyber security now

Could a co-managed security model be the answer you’ve been looking for to ensure a secure digital transformation?

Why co-sourcing is a smart choice for cyber security now

Could a co-managed security model be the answer you’ve been looking for to ensure a secure digital transformation?

As you realign your security strategy, risk appetites, and budgets to what you think the future of work will look like for your business, it makes sense to reassess how you deliver your security.

An important part of planning your future security is considering what role, if any, external suppliers will play. It’s a useful exercise to identify areas where external partners can add value, such as introducing new technologies or complementary skillsets – as well as areas you want to keep under direct control.

In this whitepaper, we address the three key areas to consider when working with external security partners:

  • trust in the sharing of responsibilities
  • how to make the most of existing security investment
  • remain agile with a flexible approach.

Read our whitepaper to find out how a co-managed security model could be the answer you’ve been looking for to ensure a secure digital transformation.