What are the key benefits of computer vision technology?
1. Reduced financial losses
2. Improved safety and protection
3. Optimised workforces
Widespread shortages of staff are also affecting many retail organisations. Managers are now preoccupied with finding ways to use their people wisely by streamlining and optimising their processes. This can help increase sales by making sure you have the right staff in the right place, at the right time. Fortunately, computer vision has the potential for high accuracy people counting, to observe traffic patterns in store and identify peak business times, so that shifts can be organised accordingly.
But for manufacturers, seamless productivity has always been a high priority – regardless of their staffing situation. Before computer vision, they would rely on complex supply chain analytics software to understand their operations and streamline processes. Now, real-time object detection can be combined with barcode search capabilities, so that factories can accelerate flow paths, decrease picking times, optimise their layouts and reduce overall downtime.
4. Store performance analysis
Computer vision technology can also be used on the shop floor to see how customers are behaving. Retailers will soon have the ability to gather advanced insights into the age, demographic and gender of every customer who visits. This offers the exciting potential to measure the success of targeted advertising campaigns, based entirely on the footfall analysis of the customers instore. You can also use this data to refine how you organise your store and its stock to help increase revenue.
One of our customers managed to reduce the number of abandoned baskets by 92%, using a similar function to drive performance improvements at service level. Through the application they could detect and monitor how long people waited in line and could send out message alerts to prompt their staff into assisting them.
Always looking ahead
We’re constantly discovering the possibilities of this new technology – and we’ve only just scratched the surface in this blog post. Along with BT, EVERYANGLE are proud to offer cutting-edge innovations, like computer vision, that help our retail and consumer goods customers do things simply and effectively.
Because we recognise the importance of responding to the evolving needs of the industry, we’re constantly updating our offerings and improving our service. By partnering with BT, our customers have a choice of connectivity platforms and software and access to their extensive ecosystem of partners for support. Plus, they can manage your service end-to-end on your behalf.