How cyber agile is the financial services industry?

Discover how leading financial service organisations are leveraging cyber security as a platform for growth.

Discover how leading financial service organisations are leveraging cyber security as a platform for growth.

Cyber security as a strategic advantage

The financial services industry is a tech-driven powerhouse. However, the widespread distribution of devices, software and services, along with increased collaboration, has led to the emergence of a more sophisticated cyber-criminal.

As part of our Cyber Agile Organisation campaign, we explore how financial services organisations are approaching cyber security. What are the top performers doing right, and where do the biggest opportunities for improvement lie?

The six dimensions of cyber agility

The big picture for financial services



believe a major cyber attack is the main existential threat to their organisation.


of financial services businesses in our study qualified as Cyber Agile - the highest for any sector.


higher growth rates were achieved by Cyber Agile Organisations in the last three years.


believe a major cyber attack is the main existential threat to their organisation.


of financial services businesses in our study qualified as Cyber Agile - the highest for any sector.


higher growth rates were achieved by Cyber Agile Organisations in the last three years.

Discover cyber security solutions

See how other sectors are performing

Cyber Agile Organisations

Discover how leading businesses proactively manage cyber risk while leveraging a secure IT ecosystem as a platform for resilient growth.

Download multi-sector report

UK Spotlight

Discover how top businesses in the UK are thriving as Cyber Agile Organisations.

Download UK Spotlight report