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Fixing slow broadband and wi-fi speeds | BT Business

Fixing slow broadband and wi-fi speeds

First things first, do you know how fast your connection is? If not, we can help.

Use a speed tester to see if there's a difference between what you should be experiencing and what you're actually getting.

If you’ve got a new connection

During the first 10 days, your line speed will fluctuate while the equipment at the telephone exchange works out the optimal speed for your line - this is known as the 'stabilisation period'.

Running a line test during this period won't give you a true result. You should wait until the 10 days are up then test your line speed.

Tips for improving your speed

If your wi-fi speed is slower than expected:

Pick the best location for your hub

Where you put your hub can really affect your wi-fi signal. For the clearest signal:

  • Try putting it where you use the internet the most. The nearer it is to where you use it, the better.
  • Put it in the middle of your premises. If you put your hub or router in a central location, you'll reduce the number of walls slowing down your signal.
  • Move it away from any windows, this will stop the signal from going outside.
  • Keep it out in the open – not in a cabinet, on the floor or stuck behind a TV.
  • Keep it away from anything electrical or metal. Routers are affected by electrical interference so make sure it's at least five feet away from TVs, monitors, dimmer switches, PC speakers, halogen desk lamps and so on.

Give your devices a break

  • Turn off wi-fi on your device (or put it in airplane mode for a few seconds) then switch it back on.
  • Restart your devices occasionally.

Disconnect some devices

Your network can become crowded when many devices latch on to it.

  • Keep Smart Wireless turned on: your hub will automatically move your devices to wireless channels with less interference.
  • If you aren't using your device, turn it off to free up your wi-fi for the devices that you’re using.
  • Bypass your wi-fi by using an Ethernet cable to connect devices.

Change your wireless channel

A wireless channel is the frequency your router sends its signal out on. You could find that you can improve your connection just by changing the wireless channel that your hub is using.

Changing the channel is straightforward. Just follow the steps for your particular hub:

If improving your wi-fi speed hasn’t fixed your issue, try:

  • Using an Ethernet cable - get a faster speed by connecting your computer directly to your hub using an Ethernet cable.
  • Plug your hub or router into your main phone socket - You'll get a faster speed connecting your hub or router directly into the master socket instead of an extension. If you have to use one, avoid using a long extension cable.
  • Leave your hub switched on - If you switch off your hub or router, it can appear as though your broadband is disconnected from our network. This might make the line look like it can’t cope with high speed, so the line speed might be automatically reduced to make the line more stable.
  • Check everything’s plugged in properly - our video could help:
  • Use the BT Business Smart Hub - it offers the UK's most powerful business wi-fi signal vs other, major broadband providers. So, if you're using an older hub or router, you should consider switching.
  • Check your device - you can check a few things:
    • Check the settings on your device to see the speed it can support and make sure it's not this slowing you down.
    • PC’s and other devices get old pretty fast. If yours is more than three years old, you may find it runs slower than a newer device.
    • Consider removing files or apps - too many can impact speed. On a PC go to System Tools run Disc Clean Up and Disk defragmenter.
    • Finally, you should empty your cache.
  • Scan for viruses - Some viruses can impact the speed of your broadband, so it's important that you protect your device with a good anti-virus product.
  • Update your browser - Check you've got the most up to date version of your browser.
  • Network/Server - Using a network server or a Virtual Private Network [VPN] can impact the speed available on computers.

Still having problems?

Find out how to get the best from your BT Business Hub or report a fault online and you’ll follow the same steps our repair experts would talk you through if you called us.

View our broadband commitment

We've signed up to Ofcom's Voluntary Business Broadband Speeds Code of Practice. This means we'll give you realistic estimates of broadband speeds, including a minimum guaranteed download speed. This is also known as the Minimum Guaranteed Access Line Speed, or MGAL for short.

We define the minimum guaranteed download speed as the slowest speed experienced by 10% of customers who have a similar BT service.

So, if your download speed based on the results from the speed tester doesn't reach the minimum guarantee, then let us know and we'll work to put things right. If we're unable to provide your minimum guaranteed download speed within 30 calendar days, and we've identified this to be a BT fault, then you have the right to exit your broadband contract without paying any penalties.

See our Broadband terms and conditions for details.

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