Explore global voice calling that provides businesses of all sizes with flexible, high-quality, and cost-effective options – and enjoy our support through the transition.
Global SIP
Discover how Global Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) brings your infrastructure together to use your data network to make calls – accelerating digital transformation.
Global inbound voice network
Benefit from a cloud contact solution that makes sure all your customer calls are answered, no matter where they are.
BT One Phone
Enjoy the reliability of a desktop phone and flexibility of a mobile with this cloud-based system that seamlessly connects your team to your customers.
Cloud collaboration
We have a range of cloud-based voice and collaboration tools that will transform the way you work.
Global Voice for CPaaS
Global voice for CPaaS is our offering to partners who want to resell BT voice services (outbound and inbound) worldwide using API/Portal for ordering.
Why choose BT for voice networks
Reduce costs, improve business agility, and benefit from user adoption support when you partner with us on your digital transformation journey.
Global voice network
We support customers in over 180 countries, hosting over five million users and carrying ten billion minutes annually.
Reliable service
We monitor voice quality and reliability – our tools let you track your SIP usage and service behaviour to detect any anomalies.
Innovation and experience
We’re a leader in voice technology in the UK and globally. We work with companies big and small to cater for any complex voice calling needs.
Global voice network
We support customers in over 180 countries, hosting over five million users and carrying ten billion minutes annually.
Reliable service
We monitor voice quality and reliability – our tools let you track your SIP usage and service behaviour to detect any anomalies.
Innovation and experience
We’re a leader in voice technology in the UK and globally. We work with companies big and small to cater for any complex voice calling needs.
We do more for your business
What are the benefits of VoIP?
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a great way for businesses big and small to make and receive calls over the internet. Discover how businesses can benefit from lower call and infrastructure costs, access new connectivity features, enjoy better security, and more flexibility as you grow and adapt.
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a great way for businesses big and small to make and receive calls over the internet. Discover how businesses can benefit from lower call and infrastructure costs, access new connectivity features, enjoy better security, and more flexibility as you grow and adapt.
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a great way for businesses big and small to make and receive calls over the internet. Discover how businesses can benefit from lower call and infrastructure costs, access new connectivity features, enjoy better security, and more flexibility as you grow and adapt.
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a great way for businesses big and small to make and receive calls over the internet. Discover how businesses can benefit from lower call and infrastructure costs, access new connectivity features, enjoy better security, and more flexibility as you grow and adapt.