One Voice GSIP lets your organisation run traditional voice and data services using an IP-based network that can be seamlessly integrated with cloud-based unified communication platforms.
As an administrator you have access to web-based reporting and routing management tools to review and manage the operations of your Once Voice GSIP service.
One Voice self-serve tool
Quick start guide.
Quick start guide
VQSP reporting and analytics tool.
Create a profile
VQSP reporting and analytics tool.
Call records
VQSP reporting and analytics tool.
Favourite trunks
VQSP reporting and analytics tool.
My Account login
Navigation overview
Dashboard tabs overview
Download dashboard
Create a profile
How to edit call record tags
Login and map view
Summary dashboard
Overview dashboard
Country dashboard
Media metrics dashboard
Call metrics dashboard
Call records dashboard
SIP response dashboard
Report scheduler
Got a queston or an issue?
The quickest way to resolve any issues is to read our support guides.
If you still need help, the VQSP support team is here to assist:
E-mail: vqspsupport@bt.com