We’re using our know-how and expertise to support Northern Ireland's businesses and public sector organisations on their digital transformation journey.
We’re using our know-how and expertise to support Northern Ireland's businesses and public sector organisations on their digital transformation journey.
Get in touch
Sales - up to 100 employees0800 916 025708:00 - 18:00 | Monday to Friday
Sales - over 100 employees0800 032 002508:00 - 18:00 | Monday to Friday
Creating a smart, connected Northern Ireland
Creating a smart, connected Northern Ireland
We play a big role in the economic and social life of Northern Ireland. Our innovations are connecting people, businesses, public services and communities in ways not previously possible.
Innovation and collaboration
The Public Sector Shared Network contract (PSSN) is a strategic partnership between the Northern Ireland public sector and BT. The contract is available for use by all Northern Ireland public sector bodies.
We play a big role in the economic and social life of Northern Ireland. Our innovations are connecting people, businesses, public services and communities in ways not previously possible.
Innovation and collaboration
The Public Sector Shared Network contract (PSSN) is a strategic partnership between the Northern Ireland public sector and BT. The contract is available for use by all Northern Ireland public sector bodies.
Business Development Director at BT, Janet Burns and Digital Transformation Manager at Belfast Harbour, Laura O’Neill talk to AgendaNi’s David Whelan about the latest technological advancements and innovations that are driving the digital transformation of Belfast Harbour and BT’s Smart Port.
Regional Director for BT Business in Northern Ireland Paul Murnaghan talks to AgendaNI’s David Whelan about BT’s transition from telco to techco, and its ambition to help transform the local economy.
IP technology is the transmission of voice, data and video over internet protocol. With the analogue PSTN switch-off approaching, discover everything you need to know about the move to IP technology.