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Transforming the digital citizen experience

Transforming the digital citizen experience

  • Effective delivery

    From building the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for UK cities to developing flexible, high-speed networks with on-demand services. We're part of delivering effective digital services wherever people need them.
  • Increase flexibility, lower costs

    Our intelligent connectivity solutions transform government agencies, increase flexibility, encourage collaboration and reduce costs.
The relationship with BT has already played a major role in modernising the Department’s operations, enabling it to become ever more customer-focused and meet its customers’ increasingly complex communication needs.
Department of Work and Pensions

Public sector frameworks

Our presence on national and local government procurement frameworks means you can reduce procurement time and costs.


Public sector frameworks

Our presence on national and local government procurement frameworks means you can reduce procurement time and costs.


Public sector frameworks

Our presence on national and local government procurement frameworks means you can reduce procurement time and costs.


Public sector frameworks

Our presence on national and local government procurement frameworks means you can reduce procurement time and costs.


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