The quantum field is moving fast – perhaps faster than many realise. Seismic change is coming and could be just around the corner. Are you aware of the implications for your business and the steps you need to take to ensure your data is protected now and in the future?
Preparing for Q-Day must be a critical focus, since quantum computing will have the power to bring change to every aspect of an organisation.
Although security and IT decision-makers are on the frontline, everyone needs to upskill themselves on the subject. A broad understanding of quantum computing’s potential must run through the organisation so the C-suite can devise a strategy that covers all possibilities.
We’ve created this whitepaper to get the whole-business conversation started and to share practical guidance on what organisations should do now to prepare for Q-Day, laying the foundations for a successful quantum future.
Download our whitepaper to find out how you can build a plan to protect your data and secure your business in the post quantum future.