BT Business broadband speed guarantee

With all our business broadband deals, we let you know the estimated internet speeds we expect you to get for your connection.

We also provide a minimum guaranteed download speed (also known as the Minimum Guaranteed Access Line speed, or MGAL for short). 

This gives you the reassurance that your downloads will be faster than the minimum guaranteed broadband speed.

Below you can find out more about our commitments to you, how quickly you can check your speed, and next steps if the download speed is below the guaranteed broadband speed.

More information

BT is one of the internet service providers to have signed up to Ofcom’s Voluntary Code of Practice for Business Broadband Speeds [PDF]

Reading this PDF from Ofcom will give you detailed information on the code of practice we’ve voluntarily agreed to. 

Here are our commitments in a nutshell:

- We’ll show clear and realistic internet speed information both before and after you buy business broadband

- We’ll provide a minimum guaranteed download speed for all BT Business Broadband

- You can report a fault if you believe your minimum guaranteed download speed isn’t being achieved, so we can work to put things right

- If we can’t provide your minimum guaranteed download speed 30 days after you told us about the issue, you may be able to exit your contract with no penalty.

Want to find out more about the Ofcom broadband code of practice and how it affects you? Read our Ofcom broadband code help page


Our speed estimates take into account any congestion on the network at the business peak time between 12:00 and 14:00 hours.

We define the minimum guaranteed download speed as the slowest speed experienced by 10% of customers who have a similar BT service.

Your actual broadband speeds will depend upon a number of factors, including distance from the exchange, quality of line and equipment, the number of people using the broadband connection simultaneously, and whether wi-fi is being used.

It can take up to 10 days for a line to settle at its maximum stable speed.

View our help page about broadband speeds

View BT Business broadband traffic management policy [PDF]

View BT Business code of practice testing principles


Checking the speed of BT Business Broadband is quick and easy – with the BT speed tester.

For the most accurate results, it’s better to avoid using broadband when running the test. It only takes a minute or two to check your internet speeds – for both download and upload.

More on testing your broadband speed


Because a number of factors can affect internet speed, there may be some simple things you can do to speed up your broadband. Even moving your hub a little could make a big difference. For more information read our broadband speed tips

If you’ve tried our quick tips and are still not getting your guaranteed broadband speed, you can report a fault – either from the speed checker itself or by getting in touch with us online. 

We’ll investigate the issue for you, and look to get your broadband up to speed as quickly as possible.

However, you may be able to exit your contract  without charges for leaving early if:

- you’re not getting your minimum guaranteed download speed

- it’s been 30 calendar days since you reported this to us, and we’ve not been able to resolve the speed issue

- we’ve confirmed the fault lies with BT

And if you’ve already paid in advance for some elements of your service, you may also be eligible for a refund.

You can find out more in Principle 5 of Ofcom’s Voluntary Code of Practice for Business Broadband Speeds [PDF]

More about the ‘right to exit’