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How do I reset my MiCloud voicemail passcode? | BT Business

How do I reset my MiCloud voicemail passcode?

When users are initially added to MiCloud or MiCloud Advance, the Mitel system assigns them with a unique voicemail password. If you forget your passcode, or if you'd like to choose a more memorable number, you can create a new one in the User Portal.

Simply log in using your company's unique Customer Portal URL from your MiCloud welcome email, then perform the following instructions:

  1. Open the User Portal, using the URL included in your welcome email
  2. Where prompted, enter your username and password and hit Login
  3. Once the homepage loads, select the My Profile tab
  4. From My Profile, choose the Voicemail tab
  5. Where indicated, enter and then confirm your new passcode (numbers only)
  6. Hit Save
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