With BT Cloud Voice, it's easy for you to set up, change and manage your voicemail, whether you’re an administrator or a user of the service.
To use voicemail on Cloud Voice, you’ll need either the Connect or Collaborate feature package.
Administrators of Cloud Voice: how to set up voicemail features
If you’re an administrator and want to set up voicemail for Hunt Groups or Auto Attendant, first you’ll need to make sure that voicemail is set up for users. You can find out how to do this in our Cloud Voice users: how to set up voicemail section below.
Once you’ve done this, you can follow the instructions on setting up voicemail for Hunt Groups and Auto Attendant.
How to set up voicemail for Hunt Groups
How to set up voicemail for Auto Attendant
Cloud Voice users: how to set up voicemail
If you’re a user of Cloud Voice, you can divert all calls to voicemail, send calls to voicemail when you're on the phone, or set all calls to divert to voicemail when you're out or unavailable.
If you can't take the call, callers will hear a standard greeting message, or your personal recorded greeting.
You can find specific voicemail setup instructions below.
How to manage voicemail for Cloud Voice
Setting up voicemail using the BT Cloud Voice Business Portal
What else can I do with voicemail?
Storing messages
Retrieving messages
Email voicemails only
Full voicemail user guide for Cloud Voice
For more help with voicemail, download our user guide: