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Moving your communications to the cloud: What you need to know

Moving your communications to the cloud: What you need to know

We'll be switching all our customers who use our existing phone service to a fully digital service by 2027. This means that fully digital networks using Internet Protocol (IP) will replace the traditional phone lines (the current PSTN, Featureline, Embark and ISDN networks) used for calls and data services.

How does this affect me?

Traditional phone lines aren't just for making voice calls. Products or services using these lines are called special services. Not sure whether you use them? Here's a non-exhaustive list:

  • Lifts
  • Fire alarms
  • Monitoring and telemetry
  • Fax and franking machines
  • Security and burglar alarms
  • Telecare solutions, like alarms and pendants

I use special services - what do I need to do?

You'll need to chat to your provider if you use any special services. Just let them know that we're transforming our phone services to be fully digital by 2027 and they'll run you through what (if anything) you need to do to minimise any impact to your business.

I'm a provider of special services - what do I need to do?

We'll work with you so you understand how these network changes will affect your existing products and services. We've got a digital services lab at Adastral Park near Ipswich, where you can come and test any analogue devices you have in your portfolio - for free.

To book into our test labs, email us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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