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Using MySQL Manager | BT Business

Using MySQL Manager

MySQL Manager is a basic web-based MySQL client that allows you to create and manage up to three MySQL 5 or MySQL 4 databases. For more information about MySQL databases see the MySQL website.

To access MySQL Manager:

  1. Open the BT Website Centre.
  2. Click on the Manage Websites tab (next to Home).
  3. Click on the MySQL Manager link under Advanced Tools.

Using MySQL databases

The first time you create a database in MySQL Manager a user name will automatically be created for the database and you will be asked to set a password for it.

Create a MySQL user

  1. In MySQL Manager, Click on Add Database User.
  2. Choose a password and enter this into the Enter Password field.
  3. A username will automatically be created - this cannot be changed.

Change the password for a MySQL user

  1. If you've got an existing website, you'll need to update your config file with the new password after this step. Otherwise, your site may no longer work.
  2. Open the MySQL Manager application.
  3. Click anywhere on the row containing the relevant database information.
  4. Underneath this table in the section called Login Details check the box saying Yes, I want to change the password for selected user.
  5. Enter your new password in the Enter NEW password and Confirm NEW password boxes.
  6. Click Apply.

Delete a MySQL User

  1. This step will wipe ALL databases associated with that user. We'd strongly recommend backing up your databases using phpMyAdmin before proceeding.
  2. Open the MySQL Manager application.
  3. Click on the red minus button (Mark for Deletion) on row containing the relevant database information.
  4. Click on the Apply button underneath to confirm deletion.

Create a MySQL database

  1. Open the MySQL Manager application.
  2. Select the database username you wish to create a database for.
  3. Underneath in the section Login Details enter your password and click Login.
  4. In the first box select CREATE.
  5. In the second box select DATABASE.
  6. Enter a name for your database in the Please enter a Database name field.
  7. Click Build Query.
  8. This button will now change to Run Query, click this.
  9. Your database is now created.

Delete a MySQL database

  1. This step will wipe ALL databases associated with that user. We'd strongly recommend backing up your databases using phpMyAdmin before proceeding.
  2. Open the MySQL Manager application.
  3. Select the database user name you wish to delete a database from.
  4. Underneath in the section Login Details enter your password and click Login.
  5. In the first box select DROP.
  6. In the second box select DATABASE.
  7. In the third box select the database for deletion.
  8. Click Build Query.
  9. This button will now change to Run Query, click this.
  10. The database is now deleted.

What are my MySQL database details?

Once you've setup a MySQL database using MySQL Manager you should then have your MySQL details. You'll usually need the below 4 details to connect your website to your database.

  • MySQL (database) hostname (or server)
    Listed under DB Host in MySQL Manager (e.g.
  • MySQL (database) username
    Listed under User Name in MySQL Manager (e.g. yourdomain123456).
  • MySQL (database) password
    This cannot be viewed only reset. Note if you reset the password on an existing site your site may not function until you update the configuration files with the new password.
  • MySQL database name
    Listed under Available Databases, make sure the database is next to the MySQL username you chose earlier.

Using and accessing phpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin is an open source application designed for advanced management of your MySQL databases using a web browser. This is only available with BT Professional Hosting.

Before you can use phpMyAdmin you'll need to create a database using MySQL Manager.

To access phpMyAdmin:

  1. Open the BT Website Centre.
  2. Click on the Web Site Management tab.
  3. Under Advanced Tools click on the phpMyAdmin link.

You can download the latest version of the user guide here:

PHPMyAdmin User Guide (PDF 395 KB)

You might need Adobe Reader to view PDF documents.

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