Before getting in touch, and to save your time contacting us, try these simple things first - our advisers will take you through similar checks:
Check your dongle has connected successfully:
- Click the Windows Start button
- Hover over My Computer and right-click
- Select Properties
- Click the Hardware tab
- Click Device Manager
- Click the + next to Modem and ports
- If 3G Modem and 3G PC UI Interface is shown, the dongle is successfully connected
If the dongle has not connected, try:
- Removing the dongle and reinserting it.
- Using another USB port.
- Swap the data cable to the long double-ended cable, which supplies more power to the dongle using two USB ports.
- Removing the USB cable and restart your computer, then plug the cable back in.
If you can't make a data connection, check your SIM card is enabled for data connections, by contacting your BT customer support centre on the number in your Welcome pack.