Display your number on someone else's Cloud Voice call (Shared Call Appearance)
If you have someone else who takes and makes calls for you (maybe you a have a personal assistant), you can set the Caller Line Identity (CLI) on their phone so it displays your number when they call someone on your behalf. You can ‘share your call appearance’ on up to five phones at a time (hence ‘Shared Call Appearance 5’).
How do I get it?
If you already have a feature package (or an ‘add-on’) that includes ‘Shared Call Appearance 5’, then go straight to ‘How do I set it up?’ below.
If you want to add it to your package, then:
1. Login to the BT Cloud Voice portal
2. Select ‘Employees’
3. Select ’Service Settings’

4. Choose the ‘Feature Package’ or ‘Add-On Feature Package’ with ‘Shared Call Appearance’
5. Click ‘Save’
How do I set it up?
There's a couple of ways you can do this:
1. Login to the Cloud Voice portal
2. Select ‘Employees’
3. Select ‘Devices’
4. Select ‘Shared Call Appearance’

5. Select ‘Create New Shared Call Appearance’
1. Login to the Cloud Voice portal
2. Select ‘Employees’
3. Select ’Features’
4. Select ‘Mobility’
5. Select ‘Shared Call Appearance’
6. Click ‘Configure’

7. If you're not sharing a call appearance on another user's device, you'll need to add a new device using the ‘From New Device’ option

8. Select the ‘From New Device’ option