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Using voicemail on Mitel MN3300 | BT Business

Using voicemail on Mitel MN3300

Programming the voicemail button on your Mitel 5550 console keypad

You can program the voicemail key on the console keypad for one button transfers to voicemail by:

  1. Choose Options on the Tools menu.
  2. Click Voice Mail.
  3. Under Voice Mail System Number, enter the digits required (Voice Mail Hunt Group number) to access your Voice Mail system.

    The One Button transfer should now work. If you find that you need to change any settings you’ll need to:
  4. Under One Button to Voice Mail, enter the following information:
    • Amount of delay (i.e. milliseconds) between the console sending the Voice Mail system number and the Voice Mail system responding. To make sure the system is ready to answer the call, a delay between Voice Mail system answer and console sending digits is required. The default is 1000 milliseconds.
    • Digit(s) required to trigger the Voice Mail system to prompt for a Voice Mail box number. The default key is the pound key (#).
    • Amount (i.e. milliseconds) of delay prior to sending the Voice Mail box number. The default is 1000 milliseconds.

Default password for new mailboxes on Mitel MN3300 MCD

The default password for new mailboxes on the Mitel MN3300 is 1111.

How to restore your MN3300 default system greeting

If a primary / alternate set greeting has already been recorded but you need to get back to the default greeting, you'll need to delete two voicemail files.

Similarly, if the primary / alternate set greeting has been overwritten and a backup is not available prior to the changes, your alternatives are to either rebuild the system or to default it.

How to restore your default system greeting

To get back to the default system greeting (auto-attendant greeting):

  1. FTP to the IP address of the 3300 controller.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Navigate to the prompts directory, by typing cd /vmail/c/vm/prompts
  4. This will display various languages. Change to the directory that your using, for example
  5. Delete any files of the following type:

    pday.vox, or pday*.vox (where * is a numeric value e.g. 2)
    pnite.vox or pnite*.vox (where * is a numeric value e.g. 2)
  6. Your system will now return to the default system greeting. 

MN3300 voicemail admin options

Here is a list of codes to help you navigate through the voicemail options on your phone:

1 New Installation 1 Continue

* Exit
2 Edit and Delete Mailboxes 2 Edit Mailbox

3 Delete Mailbox

* Exit
3 Business Hours Date/Time Follow Prompts

* Exit
4 System Greetings 1 Primary Greeting

2 to 8 Alternative Greetings

9 Guest login Greeting

* Exit
5 System Parameters 1 Set FAX Extension

2 Set Port Greeting

3 Language Change Mailbox

4 Serial Port Function

* Exit
6 Passcodes and Passcode Lengths 1 Administrator Passcode

2 System Passcode Length

3 Manager Passcode

* Exit
7 Distribution List Follow Prompts

* Exit
8 Recorded Announcements 1 Recorded RAD Greetings

2 Configure Rad Greeting Sets

* Exit
You'll need to be logged in with an Administrator passcode.

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