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Troubleshooting Featureline | BT Business

Troubleshooting Featureline

Note: BT use two different types of telephone exchange to provide the Featureline service, System X and System Y. You need to know this when using the following troubleshooter.

If you don’t know which exchange type you’re on, please lift the handset and dial *#001#

If the message you receive begins with the word "Sorry", you’re on a System Y exchange.

What do you need help with?

Help for System X only:

(X only) I can’t divert a Hunt Group extension DID number

The Hunt Group extension Direct Inward Dialling (DID) numbers cannot be diverted on System X.

(X only) Internal call to Hunt Group extension number returns Busy Tone

If calls to DID number are OK, then the extension has Hunt Group DND active.

(X only) I can’t invoke divert on System X

You could be using the wrong divert codes. If the extension is not a Hunt Group member, the 2-digit Call Diversion codes are used. If the extension user is a Hunt Group member, the 3-digit Hunt Group Diversion codes are used.

(X only) I’m having problems diverting Hunt Group to internal callers or an internal extension number

Hunt Group extension Direct Inward Dialling (DID) numbers cannot be diverted on System X.

Hunt Group diversion diverts the Hunt Group telephone number. It’s not designed to divert internal calls.

(X only) All incoming Hunt Group calls ring one extension on System X

You can’t set the Hunt Group divert to the extension you’re using to set the facility - you need to go to another Hunt Group extension.

(X only) System X Hunt Group Call Queuing not working

A member of Hunt Group has diverted Hunt Group to an extension in Business Group (using internal extension number). This is a useful feature for applying a night busy facility for connection to an answering machine.

(X only) Ring Back not working

The other extension might be in a different Pick-Up group.

(X only) Call Diversion and Hunt Group Do Not Disturb no longer provide interrupted dial tone

To prevent customer confusion, intermittent (interrupted) dial tone is no longer used to indicate an active Call Diversion or Do Not Disturb once Call Minder is provided on System X Featurelines. This is because Call Minder uses intermittent dial tone to indicate new messages. The customer should therefore use the appropriate check or interrogation codes to verify operational status of these features as follows:

  • To check diversion on non Hunt Group lines dial *#001#
  • To check diversion on a Hunt Group dial *#003#
  • To check Do Not Disturb on a line within a Hunt Group dial *#261#


Help for System X and Y:

(X & Y) I can’t set, use or cancel features

Set and using features

This could be because your telephone isn’t set to tone dialling and timed break recall. The line you’re using may not be a Featureline. If only some Features are affected check the user guide for the differences of the serving exchange.

Cancelling features

Is the Featureline connected to Customer Network Access Equipment (Smart Box and so on)? Some versions of this equipment might block ‘#’ when dialled as a leading digit. This is often reported as unable to cancel divert.
For example, set divert all calls *21* 9 tel number # is allowed because # is not a leading digit.

Cancel divert all calls #21# is not allowed because # is a leading digit.

Please consult your User Guide for more help.

(X & Y) I can’t call extension internally

Make sure that you have the correct extension number and that Divert is not active. Also check that the Hunt Group DND are active and check that the extension is on the same Business Group.

(X & Y) I’m having problems with call transfer

I can’t transfer calls

Telephone not set to timed break recall. You can’t transfer between two telephones paralleled on the same Featureline.

I can’t transfer calls using Call Waiting or Call Pick Up

If a call is answered using Call Pick Up or Call Waiting whilst engaged on another call, it won’t be possible to use the transfer facility. It’ll be possible to toggle between the two calls by pressing Recall - 2, but in order to transfer, one of the calls will have to be cleared.

I can’t use one way transmission when using call transfer

Is the Featureline connected to the Customer Network Access Equipment (Smart Box and so on).

Some versions of this equipment may block the outgoing transmission path when recall is used. Please contact your supplier for advice. 

(X & Y) I’m having problems with incoming calls

Incoming calls ring wrong extension

This could be because the extension has divert active.

Incoming call to Hunt Group gives 'ring tone no reply'

This might be because the Hunt Group call has been presented to an unmanned Hunt Group extension. If so, invoke Do Not Disturb (*261#) at the extension to overcome problem.

(X & Y) I can’t invoke divert to an External number

You might not have inserted 9 in front of the number when nominating telephone number.

(X & Y) I can’t use Call Pick-Up (*52#)

Call Queuing will be deactivated during the time in which a Hunt Group Divert (for all calls) is active.

(X & Y) Call offer isn’t working

Call offer won’t operate if the user has a call in hold. You can use Transfer to Busy (System X or Y) or Call Offer Predetermined (System X only) as alternatives.

(X & Y) Call Waiting isn’t working

Call Waiting is provided NON-ACTIVE on Feature Line. Call Waiting isn’t available on extensions which are Hunt Group members on System X. Divert on Busy or Basic Divert will override the Call Waiting Facility. Conversely, Call Waiting can’t be invoked on an extension with Divert on Busy or Basic Divert active.

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