Mobile Manager FAQsCheck out our FAQs below or find out what's new in Mobile Manager. View our Mobile Manager user guides.Login and related functions How do I change/reset my password?What do I do if I forget my password?What do I do if I forget my username?Billing data How long is my billing data stored for?When is my billing data available to view?When is my electronic bill available to view?I have a query about my bill. Who can I contact?How do I download my bill?How do I pay my bills?Why can’t I see my electronic bill?Can I automatically receive my invoices by email?Reporting How do I create a custom report?Why doesn't my report contain any data?Can I create a report using billing data from previous months?Can I run reports on my billing information?How do I export my report?Can I schedule my reports to run each month for users or groups of users?How do I amend or cancel a scheduled report?I receive a scheduled report each month that has the wrong users or missing users. How do I amend this?I receive a scheduled report that I no longer need. How do I stop this?The costs on my report do not match my invoice. Why is this?Can I view a report on my users without any usage?How do I see my costs as per my company structure?Can I run a report on my itemisation?Can I run a report on my itemised usage but tailor the report on different criteria, such as period of time or destination type?Can I run a report for the itemisation for one user only?Can I see the summary of my line rental and bundle charges?Can I run a report on my charges but tailor the report on a certain charge type?Company structure/hierarchy How do I create a company structure/hierarchy?Why can't I see the company structure/hierarchy?How do I move a user/phone from department to department?Can I add more users?Who maintains the company structure/hierarchy?Printing, emailing, and exporting How do I download/view my call details?How do I print a report?Can I email reports to other users?User management How can I update my email address?How do I change the username assigned to a phone?How do I delete a login/user (for example, when a User/Admin leaves the company)?How can I give users access to their own bills?Support Who do I contact if I have any problems with Mobile Manager?What are the support hours?What web browsers does Mobile Manager support?Security Why do I need to log in again if I haven’t used site for 30 minutes?Why do I need to reset my password every 90 days?Self-Service How do I change my network features like roaming, adult content, bars?How do I register an upgrade/replacement SIM?How do I connect a new SIM/phone?How do I request a disconnection PAC/STAC or request early termination fees?Can I look up SIM numbers?How do I find out the SIM number linked to a phone number?When does my contract end?Downloads Section (new) What is a ‘Full usage download’ report?Can I schedule this to run each month?In the ‘Data Volume’ column what is the value showing?Can I run the ‘Full usage download’ for a different month?What is a ‘Short phone summary’?What is a ‘Long phone summary’?What is a ‘Charges download’ report?What is a ‘Cross monthly phone summary’ report?Overview Area (New) How do I view where a user sits within my structure?How do I view an individual user’s usage?Why can’t I see a mobile number on the portal?Can you stop sending me the notifications each month when my new bill has loaded?Are there any user guides for Mobile Manager?I want to see last month’s billing information. How do I do that?I want to see my billing information for a certain structure level. How do I do that?I have more than one account, but I just want to see my billing information for one of my airtime accounts. How do I do this?Did this help?1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 StarsEmpty