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How do I cancel my web hosting account? | BT Business

How do I cancel my web hosting account?

If you want to cancel your hosting, we'd be sorry to see you go. However, to make your transition to another supplier go as smoothly as possible, please consider the following points:

  1. Make sure your new provider has web hosting that has a consistent up-time record. If their servers have poor up-time this means your website can go down for several minutes at regular intervals each day.
  2. Get help moving your domain and email to the new hosting company to avoid affecting your day-to-day business.
  3. Make sure your current package is not tied into a 12-month contract as there will be fees to pay if you terminate your contract early.
  4. Make sure the company that will be managing your new website is reputable and can show you evidence of recently satisfied customers.
  5. Check you'll have the same or better level of service and features as you currently enjoy with us – such as a system to update your website content yourself, or a helpdesk that can help you and business-grade email and hosting.

If you still want to cancel, chat with us or give us a call on 0800 876 6378.

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